Sunday, 27 October 2013

Is Achieving Life Purpose More important than Comfort and Safety?

King Erith, the King of Evansing, had a vision to unite all the Irish kingdoms into one kingdom. This was his life purpose. He knew it would create discomfort and involved a high measure of risk to himself and his kingdom. Nevertheless he decided the purpose was worthy of the sacrifice. He required his subjects and his allies to get on board with his goal. He especially required his officers and leaders in his kingdom to be aligned with this objective. They too must at a heart level embrace the call to unite Ireland in spite of all the challenges to achieving it. They knew it meant being away from home, fighting battles, some of them would die and great resources would be expended to achieve it. Yet they considered it worth it to pursue something greater than themselves. They resolved it was a worthy pursuit and Ireland and its people would be better for it.

As it was for the Kingdom of Evansing and it's allies, so it is for every person to decide whether they want to live life focused on comfort and safety or on fulfilling their life purpose. Everyone has an inner yearning to fulfill something beyond their everyday life. Many aren't aware that that is what that gnawing is deep inside. Instead it is misdiagnosed as a need missing in their life such as a new relationship or more stuff or whatever else it takes to distract themselves from it. Everyone has been designed to fulfill their own particular purpose.
It requires pursuit.

"Evansing - Heart of the Irish Kingdom" is available at createspace and

Friday, 18 October 2013

Celtic Ireland and the Supernatural

Ireland is famous for Leprechauns, "the little people." Kelpie, a supernatural water horse was thought to haunt rivers and lochs in Ireland and Scotland. These are just two examples of many supernatural beings that are part of Celtic Ireland's storied past.

In the historical fantasy novel, "Evansing - Heart of the Irish Kingdom" there is a supernatural event that was directly linked to Edwin having killed the Druid priest, Alwyn. As a result of his courage and willingness to risk his life for others he became a target of the Tissus. He could sense from the excited barking of the tracking dogs that they had picked up his scent. Then unexpectedly he was delivered from imminent danger and introduced to a brand new life.

Life is like that sometimes. Perhaps you have done something requiring great courage and potential risk to yourself or perhaps it was an error in judgment that created a pressure situation. At first it looks like it could turn really bad for you. Then seemingly out of nowhere what looked maybe even impossible becomes resolved as though it never happened, or turns into a promising new opportunity.

"Evansing - Heart of the Irish Kingdom is available at createspace and

Saturday, 12 October 2013

St. Patrick and the Supernatural

The druids and magicians put forth all their strength and employed all their incantations to maintain their sway over the Irish race, but the prayer and faith of Patrick achieved a glorious triumph. The druids by their incantations overspread the hill and surrounding plain with a cloud of worse than Egyptian darkness. Patrick defied them to remove that cloud, and when all their efforts were made in vain, at his prayer the sun sent forth its rays and the brightest sunshine lit up the scene. Again by demoniac power the Arch-Druid Lochru, like Simon Magus of old, was lifted up high in the air, but when Patrick knelt in prayer the druid from his flight was dashed to pieces upon a rock. The foregoing is per the Catholic Encyclopedia.

The book, "Evansing - Heart of the Irish Kingdom" has a number of supernatural events. St. Patrick himself appears in the book. Just as there are dark forces that move supernaturally so there is supernatural power that flows from the Creator who lives in unapproachable light. St. Patrick and his companions are recorded as having transformed into deer in order to escape a pagan king: St. Patrick was reciting his Breastplate prayer (the "Deer's Cry") on the way from Slane to Tara on Easter Sunday. King Laoghaire had stationed soldiers along the road, expecting to intercept St. Patrick before Tara. The Tripartite Life says, "St. Patrick went with eight young clerics and St. Benen with them, and St. Patrick gave them his blessing before they set out. A cloak of darkness went over them so that not a man of them appeared. Howbeit, the enemy who were waiting to ambush them, saw eight deer going past them, and behind them a fawn with a bundle on its back. That was St. Patrick with his eight, and St. Benen behind them with his tablets on his back." (The Tripartite Life was an eighth century book in three parts to be read in the three day celebration of St. Patrick's Day.) This excerpt is from The Real St. Patrick, Bishop of Ireland.

The supernatural events from divine sources in the book indicate the limitlessness of capacity for good things that are available to each of us. "Evansing - Heart of the Irish Kingdom" is available at createspace and

Friday, 4 October 2013


As Edwin considered his options as to how to make a difference with the Tissus raiders, he received a wisdom insight. He had discerned that the raiders were feeling very confident due to them having Alwyn the Druid priest. With this insight he determined a strategy that had a high potential to win with the resources he had available to him. He knew he was an excellent archer and he had his bow and a quiver of arrows. All it would take was one arrow in Alwyn's heart. His insight proved to be correct as the death of Alwyn decimated the hopes of the Tissus for a successful invasion. Yes, they still did some attacks, but the main objective of a more extensive series of raids was eliminated. All due to one man considering how he could make a difference against a much greater force.

Insight springs up from awareness. When we realize we can make a difference in what appears to be an impossible situation we start to see with new eyes. We see resources and opportunities we never saw before. Insight can make a new level of resourcefulness possible in our lives.

"Evansing -  Heart of the Irish Kingdom" is available at createspace and